Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the season to shop!

Once upon a time, I was a cynic when it comes to online shopping. Now, I am a convert.

Am pleasantly surprised at the dollars you can save, the ease of transaction and not having to jostle with the maddening crowds in Orchard Road- erh, recession? What recession?

Here are a few cute places. (p.s: new category: shopping!)

FREE overnight shipping within U.S! This is the place I shop for ninewest shoes. Prices are chopped to half the price (even with vpost shipping). Best to check out the designs first and your sizes at the local stores.

Birkie fans will have me to thank! Typically you need to choke up orders with friends to secure free international shipping to here, but nope! Even if you are buying just that one pair, they ship to your house here absolutely free of charge. The downside, it takes about one month, but worth the wait.

Am not a huge fan, but besides being relatively cheaper in the states, they offer time to time, good bargains! Currently I think they are having 30% off everything. Nice.

I admit being the techno geek that I am, I was freaked out by the concept of vpost- shipping from US addresses to Singapore. But it really is quite simple. Just email your invoice over to them and all is being taken charge of.

Easy Peasy!

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