Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Beginnings

Hello friends, I have migrated this site to
http://bohorhapsody.wordpress.com/. It's bigger, bolder, better.

So bookmark it!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Checked List

OMG. Another year past.
A lookback at the new year resolutions of 2008.
Those I struck out are the ones fulfilled.

1) I am going to stay fit, by going back into working out.
Finally went back to yoga. Good girl.

2) I am cutting back on caffeine. Moderation is the word.
Not really but what the heck. Coffee is one of life's many pleasures.Truce.
I struck this out cos' it is a silly resolution.

3) I am taking things easy and relaking more. Life's too short.
I travelled quite a bit which I am really glad about.

4) I will be Happy.
I am thankful for the blessings and that I have got my family and wonderful friends with me. Let's put it this way. Things could have been a lot worse.
5) Lose weight, firm up! Firm up my jelly arms or lose them. I hate the flab.

I didn't lose weight but I didn't let go either.
6) Get a Chanel classic by this year in Europe.
Finally this February.

Not bad at all!