Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the season to shop!

Once upon a time, I was a cynic when it comes to online shopping. Now, I am a convert.

Am pleasantly surprised at the dollars you can save, the ease of transaction and not having to jostle with the maddening crowds in Orchard Road- erh, recession? What recession?

Here are a few cute places. (p.s: new category: shopping!)

FREE overnight shipping within U.S! This is the place I shop for ninewest shoes. Prices are chopped to half the price (even with vpost shipping). Best to check out the designs first and your sizes at the local stores.

Birkie fans will have me to thank! Typically you need to choke up orders with friends to secure free international shipping to here, but nope! Even if you are buying just that one pair, they ship to your house here absolutely free of charge. The downside, it takes about one month, but worth the wait.

Am not a huge fan, but besides being relatively cheaper in the states, they offer time to time, good bargains! Currently I think they are having 30% off everything. Nice.

I admit being the techno geek that I am, I was freaked out by the concept of vpost- shipping from US addresses to Singapore. But it really is quite simple. Just email your invoice over to them and all is being taken charge of.

Easy Peasy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Run for a Cause

So everyone's running for a cause these days.

First, it was for Terry Fox. Next up, the very important event on the Uniquely Singaporean calendar called the Singapore Marathon, and then you have truckloads of smelly army fellas sweating it out at the Army Half Marathon, then near-menopausal women at the Anlene Orchard Mile. Not to mention Great Eastern Women 10k, Shape Run, Adidas Sundown, Nike Human Race and the list goes on….

But seriously nothing as bizarre as this, a run dedicated to…Ah Meng.

Is this a desperate stunt at publicity? And honestly, at the risk of sounding heartless, isn't there something out there where people can fare so much better? Such as taking part in Acres to aid in the conservation of wild animals, or SPCA, to help abused pets, much more meaningful causes?

First the media circus surrounding the 'funeral' of Ah Meng, then this? Hey spare the dead animal and let her R.I.P.

So what next? Maybe:
  • Run in memory of (insert animal).
  • Run in petition against retrenchments/pay cuts/pay freezes/ERP charges

  • Run to reduce incidences of teen sex and teen VD (as they will be running, not having sex, get the point?)

  • Run to raise money for shopping during festive seasons

  • Run to raise funds to save financial institutions from collapsing

Up for it?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Looking Back

Tis' the season to be jolly and…reflective.

Remember this post 'Retrospective' , where I listed down the 'to-dos' for the year of 2008.

Let's take a look back.

  1. I am going to stay fit, by going back into working out.

My weak wrist did stop me from returning to yoga, but hey I did at least discover the joy to running, something I totally detested in the past and participated in the Stan Chart Run, even if it was just for 10km and to discover the gratification to running around my estate at night, when the sun is down.

  1. I am cutting back on caffeine. Moderation is the word.

I think I am doing ok. One cuppa a day keeps the blues away.

  1. I am taking things easy and relaking more. Life's too short.

Ok too, I have learnt not to take things too seriously or personally.

  1. I will be Happy.

I am happy to land in a company, thou it may not be perfect, that gives me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone. As for other areas, I am learning.

So for 2009, here is my list.

  1. Thou' shall travel to Prague, Amsterdam, Italy, Japan and Cambodia.
  2. Thou' shall travel alone for at least one trip.
  3. Thou' shall refresh my Italian.
  4. Thou' shall continue to build up my stamina and if my wrist allows, go back to yoga.
  5. Thou' shall Go outlet-shopping (as frivolous as it sounds I know).
  6. Thou' shall reduce clutter in my life.

And thou' wishes all merry holidays!