Friday, October 10, 2008

I turned 29!!!

I actually don't see all that rambling about going on 29, blah blah blah,'I am getting so old, life's over' that sorta shit, because strangely the more mature I get (rather than 'older'), I find myself wanting to experience new things, going new places, making more friends etc, which strangely didn't quite come through when I was younger. Know what I mean? I am 29 going on 25!

So anyway, I had a blast this birthday. We went to Koh Samui for a getaway, MUCH needed since get this, I haven't gotten a day's leave since starting work in May! Anyway Samui was awesome, with a capital A. No Singaporeans, no pesky kids. What we have are- cheap beers and cigs, excellent food, great pool/sea views from our villa, warm (and some giggly) locals.

Many other highlights ie.

- Launching a huge lantern into the sky

- Getting a rub-down in the hills

- Baby licking c*** -one of the phallic stones you find at the beach. Classic shot.

- Resort folks surprising me with a cake that was a blast from the past on my birthday

- Our beach/pool view villa

Yeah we are coming back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gotcha!! -cpllsw