Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cranky Bones

Now is there anyone out there who hasn't experienced back aches, shoulder aches, wrist aches, knee aches or any imaginable aches you can think of while at work?

Recently I have got down to thinking if a desk-bound job is really suited for me. I had a really mean, shoulder ache on the right that extended to my elbow and wrist, well essentially my whole right arm that comes and goes, especially worse since I use the mouse on my right wrist and tend to put more weight on my right side. And when I am stressed or immensely focused, my shoulders tend to cramp up unconsciously, resulting in a certain tight feeling which you realise only much later.

Even acupuncture and 'cracking' of joints haven't helped me much. Bore.

Apparently seven out of ten Singaporean executives have experienced some sort of muscle pain while being at work, and I am merely part of the statistic. Poor workstation design also attributes to part of the reason. Check this out

Some companies are adhering to some form of office ergonomics standards (Singapore is all about standards), like ergo-chairs, ergo-tables, ergo-keyboards, which I think is quite encouraging. Now when will my company start doing that? Guess for now, I just have to count on my own ergo-yoga.


AnoMalY said...

Sigh... every job has its own hazards dear. When I was flying had so much back and bunion problems. Now pregnant even worse!

We should really come up with a list of occupations that do not take a toll on our body and mental health. hmmm..... i can't think of any now!

Zanne said...

I know! Just stay at home and be a tai tai!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is all an age thing...sigh

Zanne said...

Actually Eileen, my left shoulder blade and calf have been hurting like mad - and now, it's down to my feet - no idea why. Probably an age thing, I have to agree. Jeez.