Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ciao! Watashiwa Eileen des!

Would you ever imagine speaking Italian to a Japanese? Or for that matter, hear a Japanese speak Italian?

My Japanese classmates are the sweetest and cutest things ever (that is, of course, apart from my bf), though it cracks me up when they go 'si (yes)'!like they would go 'hai'! while adding in that additional head nod. Or having these Japanese dolls go 'oooooohhhhhhhh' or 'arrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhh' wide-eyed.

So des neh, I am also picking up Japanese from these kawaiis. Yeah hopefully I will be able to pick up two languages by then :)


Anonymous said...

You're getting more multi-talented by the day, girl! =)

Anonymous said...

You like you having so much fun.... I wanna go Italy!!! sigh