Monday, July 30, 2007

I hate grammar

Mamma mia.

I managed to pass my final exam for the month of July (second last final exam!), written and oral. And I thought I was so going to fail. The Italian has become increasingly difficult at my level, especially the grammar bit. You basically use a different tense for different scenarios, that's apart from present, past (2 types, mind you), future, conditional, there's a tense to use for making opinions, stating wishes as well. Arrrgggghh...oh well, at least I passed. Now it's time for vacation, vacation, vacation!


Anonymous said...

Just one more to go - jia you! =)

Anonymous said...

congrats babe! i so know the feeling of studying for a language! i struggled with my french for the longest time! heh. where you going for vacation? (:
