Thursday, December 3, 2009
5 mins of fame
Friday, October 9, 2009
Crossing the Mark
Friday, September 18, 2009
sun, sand, sea
Monday, September 7, 2009
Blown Away
I caught the Pixar movie, UP during the weekend and I must say I haven't caught a movie that moved me in so many ways since 'Life is Beautiful'.

The premise of the story is simple, an old man who wants to escape from it all by flying his house away with balloons. It taps into the child in every adult. We have all had those crazy ideas that we hope would somewhat happen- living on another planet, being able to fly with wings, being Harry Potter. But this is not just a typical animation movie. Pixar ought to give themselves a huge pat on their back for being able to come up a animation movie with so much heart, Miyazaki would be proud.
In many ways, UP makes you cry, laugh, think. Beneath the absolutely charming idea of having a house fly away to 'Paradise Falls', the place grandpa always dreamt of going with his late beloved wife, the movie has underlying themes of loneliness, procrastination, sickness, abandonment and cruelty, seemingly unapt for an animation movie. But they hit you subtly, makes you walk away from the theatre with a bittersweet feeling. How many of us have always wanted to do something, but always put it off? And before we know it, decades have passed? Grandpa had a young, bright-eyed and eager boyscout to show him the way eventually, but it's scary to think just how many of us are so afraid and scared to move out of our comfort zone.
Highly recommend this movie. If the guy sitting next to me could be moved to tears, it must say something.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Curtain Call
You were more than the king of pop, MJ. You were an icon in your own element.
Anyway I absolutely adore his song, Ben, written for a pet rat, sung when he was a kid. Poignant. Brilliant.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Roll, Roll, Rollasole…
God, save our feet!
Flats available for sale in vending machines (only in UK for now) for our tired, sore feet from those back-breaking heels. You can roll them up and place them in your handbag! (I am so getting this)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Seeing is Believing
You really got to see Angkor Wat to experience its majesty and grandeur. The sun burn was worth it! My only regret was that I didn't own a SLR camera, cos' every spot was awe-inspiring, and yet strangely mysterious.

Ta-Phohm (my fave pic)
Apart from the grand Angkor Wat however, there were other temples worth seeing. Bayon was my favorite with Buddha-ish statues all around and Ta-Phohm had the tree-in-temple feel, the site felt like a labyrinth.
But away from the attractions, most of the time, I felt like a rich bastard (as in a female version). The people are ridden with post-war traumas ie. Landmines, poverty and it is heartbreaking to see landmine victims who are kids begging on the streets. I read somewhere there is someone being blown up everyday in Cambodia by landmines, and there are about 2 million landmines yet to be discovered. One in five kids does not survive past their childhood.
War really SUCKS.
headless statues in Angkor Wat- result of loot during Khmer Rouge
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stop Playing the Blame Game, Singaporeans
One of the major problems I have with Singaporeans is their failure to look within themselves when things go wrong or when things do not go their way. Disclaimer: I am talking about majority here. I think this is due to the fact that for most part of our lives, we live under the comfort of what our government/parents/schools paved for us, and when something fucks up, it is due to them telling us to do this or encouraging us to do that.

I was rather pleasantly surprised at one of the recent ads for the Speak Mandarin campaign which featured ang mo kids speaking delightfully in Mandarin. Anyone's guess is that they were probably expat kids whose parents were posted to a Chinese speaking country. I thought it was tongue in cheek, and even adorable that they could speak Mandarin quite well at such a tender age. But alas, this series of ads didn't sit so well with Singaporeans it seemed.
They whined that the ads were in bad taste as they ridiculed us locals. And that the ads had to feature foreigners to tell us or imply that we need to buck up or that our Mandarin sucked. I completely and was quite infuriated with the reaction. YES, I do think the ads do have the intention of telling us 'hey, watch out, even foreigners are picking up Mandarin, the universal language of the world's largest population, and please do something about your Mandarin or at least realise the importance.' But does the government always have to tell you to do something in a feel-good manner, with good looking celebrities and one sided communication? I mean, it is ridiculous enough the government goes to the lengths of telling us to flush the toilets, get married, have kids and god forbid, be kind even (the Kindness Campaign, don't even get me started on that one)? What a joke!
I personally know the person who conceptualized the ad campaign. She was saying how fast other markets are moving in on the Chinese market, they realized that it is not just the dollars and cents, but also understanding the way the Chinese work, live and play, so that explains the surge in foreigners learning Mandarin. Singaporeans on the other hand, are a rather complacent lot.
It's about time to get off your arses and do something instead of complain, complain, complain.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Horny Teens
Is the food they eat? Or the water they drink?
For the second time this week, I actually saw secondary school kids in uniform French-kissing in public, like long, deep, wet kissing with lots of tongue action. They had their eyes closed, passers-by had their eyes wide open, shocked, embarrassed, and appalled, I am not sure.
Am I a conservative? Back in my time, things like that in SG are pretty rare. The public would call the school if they see students in uniform loitering in void decks, and those kids will get demerit points/warnings etc.
Now, I read news of married teachers having sex with underaged students, boys turning fathers at the grand old age of 13, and I am like wtf? I thought these people have sex education in school, or does that mean more harm than good? (check this out, teenage threesome)
I am not sure, I would be horrified if my child is one of them. Kids are growing up too fast nowadays.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It is this blanket that gives us our character and personality and it takes particularly a great deal of courage to chop these locks off esp. since you have them with you for ages. And I mustered my courage to do this last weekend.
I can’t remember the last time I had short hair, but most people tell me they like me with my long hair, with abit of natural waves. But after countless dye jobs, perms and dried, split ends, I decided to call it a day. Just back to healthy, short hair that is low maintenance, without having to worry about a) flyaway hair sticking onto your lip-glossed lips, b) hair going into your food while eating or c) hair getting stuck into your epilator, as a result me having to cut off a part of it when all the hair you wanted removed were just those on your armpits.
And I never looked back! It feels great coming out from the hair salon. I literally felt lighter, with no excess baggage. I didn’t know hair could carry this much weight. I had compliments that I looked younger, fresher and even the reception at the salon asked for my student card. Btw, Essensuals Salon at Starhub Centre did the job- Jonathan was the bomb.
Here’s to a brand new me!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bag Misadventures
Well, the fastest way to a man's heart is probably thru' his stomach, for the woman, probably a nice handbag. Not that we are materialistic, but which woman can resist them right.
So the gf of Bombay Martini wanted him to get her a sling bag from overseas whilst he was there for work. Poor fella went round looking for the brand 'Sling', thinking it was the brand of the bag she wanted, you know, along the same line as a Coach bag, Prada bag, Krumpler bag...thank god he managed to get something pretty decent and no he didn't track down the brand 'Sling'.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Art, Science and Math of Car Buying
In recent months, I have been researching on cars.
You see, I have never been a car nut. Horse power, COEs, car engine are Greek to me. So imagine having to read up and compare cars (besides the prices-which I will share) to scoop the better deal. You have already know COE prices are dropping like flies, but in case you think I am just latching on like everyone else like a kiasu Singaporean to not lose out, then you're wrong. The thing is, I have wanted to buy a car for years. And I do like driving (whether or not I am a good driver is besides the point), the convenience (apart from parking which I suck at) and not having to maintain small talk with cab drivers, or deal with some nasty ones.
And voila, COE prices fall!
And car prices fall. I thought well, I am turning 30, been procrastinating forever, have a rather stable income so why not?
So the search began. I ploughed thru' websites and asked people. There were all these confusing abbreviations – OMV, ARF, FC..and more confusing schemes for off-peak cars (the one I am getting, who ask me to work Raffles Place), rebates, claims, then there were the more 'hiao' aspects- leather seats, retractable side mirrors, audio controls on steering wheel, vanity mirror, boot space, sports kits, confused already??? To add to that, there are the calculations, calculations and calculations. Excruciating for someone who is really bad at numbers!
So I went for a test drive without knocking over anyone with my rusty skills, thank god. And it was fun! Basically shortlisted 2 cars (to save myself the hassle, being the fickle Libran)- Toyota Vios and Suzuki Swift. The new Vios is big, quite sturdy and easy to drive though the pick-up is not as quick as compared to Swift, which has a smoother engine, but comes with a more exp price tag (made in Japan) and smaller interior. So being the practical me, would I pick the larger and cheaper car over the smaller and costlier one?
So I thought, TOYOTA VIOS! In red! So yeah, I am going to get it. finally.
So till I get my beloved in May (which is a bloody looong time I know, cos it is OOS)…I am already thinking of a name. ;)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Little Shots at Happiness
Do you sometimes forget to be happy, or forgetting to laugh or smile at something that might seem trivial or even frivolous?
Here are some things that had me smiling and counting my blessings, however small they are.
- Going on vacation (on a 'resilience' package)
The good thing that comes out from recession is LOW COST FLIGHTS!!!
Case in point- Tokyo flight tics at $698, incl. taxes and surcharges! On SQ no less. And how about chancing upon a fantastic deal online? Finding studio apartment accommodation (from Ascott hor, don't play) in the heart of Shinjuku at 'introductory' prices cos' it is opening just 2 days before we arrive. So for a swanky apartment with kitchen, living room and all, it comes up to only $140+ (per apartment) a night (if you think that's still exp, we are talking about Tokyo, mind you).
- Online shopping and selling
I recently started my very own Boho Boutique online and have since garnered favourable results. The joy of sealing a deal is well…happiness! These are 2nd hand clothes but the thought of somebody willing to buy them is just great, cos' its cash for something you don't need right?
And g.o.d.s.e.n.d
- Running
I should be keeping up with it, thou I admit I get lazy. But the run near my neighbourhood really perks me up at the end of it- the sunset, wind blowing in face…plus it is really is great to sweat it out. I enjoy the feeling of being able to get off my arse, go running and feel rejuvenated at the end of it.
What about you? Share!
Friday, January 2, 2009
More Resolutions
I vow to fulfill them! Promise!
- Lose weight, firm up! Firm up my jelly arms or lose them. I hate the flab.
- Get a Chanel 2.55 by this year in Europe.
That said, I am really really excited about seeing my foreign friends (and local friends in Europe) this year- especially Myrna and Ikumi. I am coming!