Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?

If you are looking forward to an exciting blog post regarding this topic, well you are in for something…At least that's the title of the book I just finished reading.

The book contains answers to many questions that you are too embarrassed to ask and questions you have been curious about all your life and just waiting for someone to provide you with plausible answers. Well, for mummies-to-be, good book to pick up in case the kiddos ask you random questions they pick from the sky.

Some intriguing questions asked:

  • Why do we have pubic hair?
  • Why do older people fart more?
  • Will a watermelon bush grow inside you if you swallow a watermelon seed?
  • Can u breastfeed with fake boobs?
  • Why does my butt itch so much?
  • Why do we get a shiver when we pee sometimes?

It's not purely scientific; it's injected with a sense of humour too, making it a very enjoyable read, on top of making yourself more knowledgeable. At least now I know why my butt itches.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Money No Enough

With all that talk about rising costs and inflation blah blah blah, what's a girl to do if she wants to satiate her shopping desires?

Well, I got some really good tips, but perhaps nothing some of you don't know already…

  1. Shop during sale

This is a no-brainer. Don't get me mistaken. I am not talking about cheesy Mango sales, where you pretty fight it out with other chicks, believe me, they should make shopping a competitive sport. I am referring to clear-out and overstock sales that are always held in hotel function rooms. They are amaaaazing and make me so fulfilled at the end of it. I went to one held by Inhabit, this store that sells cult label jeans that cost as much as an arm and a leg and boy, was I blown away. Everything was AT LEAST 50% and above and to top it off, there was an additional 10% off on the last day (which I went). C'mon, there were jeans at 95% off! I happily walked away with a pair of 7 for all Mankind jeans, demin skirt and Rock and Republic top for about 250 bucks! And there were sizes and major labels like True Religion, Sass and Bide, Alexander Wang etc. I am excited all over again! Wey!

  1. Sell…and Buy

Get rid of old clothes to make space …and money. The Tanglin Mall flea market is a great way to get rid of ratty tank tops, old Mango/Zara past seasons (Mango- perennial fave for buyers), bags, shoes etc. You can break even in profit most of the time, unless you are selling hideous outfits. Expect a couple of hundreds in turnover even. And buy new clothes.

  1. Buy online

We know that US dollar is falling fast and we know online shopping pays back more than ever. But do you know that certain things are also cheaper in Euros? Like Birkenstocks. They sell over a hundred bucks here, but typically it sells for 'bout 30 euros-40 euros (just x2 for SGD) in Europe. Just google Birkenstocks and shopping sites pop up. Gather a few friends and shipping costs can be waived, and you save as much as $50!

Happy shopping!!!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cranky Bones

Now is there anyone out there who hasn't experienced back aches, shoulder aches, wrist aches, knee aches or any imaginable aches you can think of while at work?

Recently I have got down to thinking if a desk-bound job is really suited for me. I had a really mean, shoulder ache on the right that extended to my elbow and wrist, well essentially my whole right arm that comes and goes, especially worse since I use the mouse on my right wrist and tend to put more weight on my right side. And when I am stressed or immensely focused, my shoulders tend to cramp up unconsciously, resulting in a certain tight feeling which you realise only much later.

Even acupuncture and 'cracking' of joints haven't helped me much. Bore.

Apparently seven out of ten Singaporean executives have experienced some sort of muscle pain while being at work, and I am merely part of the statistic. Poor workstation design also attributes to part of the reason. Check this out

Some companies are adhering to some form of office ergonomics standards (Singapore is all about standards), like ergo-chairs, ergo-tables, ergo-keyboards, which I think is quite encouraging. Now when will my company start doing that? Guess for now, I just have to count on my own ergo-yoga.