Friday, April 11, 2008

Boo Bunions

Made a trip to the podiatrist yesterday.

Its my second time, the first being an ingrown toe nail, completely gross.

I am now experiencing the bane of vanity, bunions. If you do a search, the images are pretty grotesque, though thankfully mine is still pretty contained. Here’s what I found – ‘More than half the women in America have bunions, a common deformity often blamed on wearing tight, narrow shoes, and high heels. Bunions may occur in families, but many are from wearing tight shoes. Nine out of ten bunions happen to women. Nine out of ten women wear shoes that are too small.’

Why do women subject themselves to pain and discomfort in the name of beauty? Needless to say, I am one of them. The thing is you are seeking pretty shoes, would you exactly go for wide, big-foot style shoes? Or perhaps companies should implement a policy where sneakers or Birkies are acceptable, when you don't have to face clients?

Anyway, my podiatrist has advised an x-ray and diagnosed me with really w--i--d--e feet and an inward pointing walking style, so I should really cut down on heels and narrow fitting shoes…now is there anyone who can tell where the hell to find pretty, wide, roomy heels?