Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Surrealism Part 2

Yes, I am in Italy...finally. Finally?

Not withstanding flight delays, motion sickness, extensive bag checks in Paris (some customs officer must be happy downing my Tiger Beer now), running to transit terminals, then discovering that gates have been closed (yes I missed my connecting flight to Florence), hanging around for another 2 hrs with fellow Singaporeana, Suzanne Walker (that radio dj), yes I am happy to be back here again.

Italy is still as beautiful as it was.

Friday, February 23, 2007

All that Skype hype

Going away pushes you to be somewhat connected, even when you are the most ignorant tech idiot on this planet. So yesterday as I experienced my virgin Skype conversation, I must say that hey I was pretty taken in...being one of the least easily impressed people around.

Of course one of the best attributes about Skype is that it is FOC, but the quality of the sound really takes the cake. Only setback is that it does take a little getting used to speaking to a laptop. Try it!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007


With effect from today, it will be exactly a week when I will take off to Italy to embark on a new life. I cannot believe this is actually happening. Somebody slap me...

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Parting is such sweet sorrow. No, parting IS sorrow. Today marks my last day at Huntington. After a long overdue 2.5 years (it was supposed to be an 'interim'). Why I stayed this long? A boss who has been a wonderful mentor, to-die-for colleagues whom I love to bits, and (some) great clients. I received several calls, emails with kind blessings..honestly something I didn't expect when I joined the co. in the things have changed.

As a parting gift, I did a collage for my ex-colleagues-now-friends. So nice, but so sad...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Indonesia of Europe?

Ok, so I have been sending chaser emails to the Italian Cultural Institute for the past one week. They came back to me telling me that I was due to take off on 21 Feb, which is like next week? WTF?! So anyway, I have asked for a extension and I hope those Romans would oblige.

I remember someone who is Italian himself telling me that Italy is the Indonesia of Europe. The lack of system and organisation is the bane of many. Perhaps that contributes to creativity? The Italians are such an interesting lot.

Now, there's one thing left to do - PACK!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Surrealism Part 1

Am I actually typing my resignation letter now? I cannot believe it. This is fuckin' surreal.